Sunday, April 8, 2012

Eight weeks left... let's start cleaning and saving!

Well, it's the beginning of the end of the year, EIGHT weeks left of school!! This is the time I refer to as "the down slope." I know many teachers dread this time of year, as the possibility of moving classrooms looms! Well, here is one of the moving files solutions that I just came up with, which not only saves on space, but if you have to move, it should save on time! First a fabulous teacher friend showed me her wonderful filing system. Using legal sized file jackets to store by units or subjects along with letter sized manila file folders which hold each chapter/standard inside the jackets. I have finally created a system which holds all my files nice and neat and easy to retrieve. Much better then the space consuming 3 inch binders holding all of my materials. Super thanks again teacher friend!!! After I finished organizing all my copies/samples in each subject and put them away I still felt as if it something wasn't quite as I was hoping. If I had to move to another classroom I would still need to pack up the filing in some boxes and that can get messy.  I don't like spending money, so I took a good look around the room for ideas.

Spotted were my blue crates! Walmart sells these easy to lift crates, which I know every teacher uses for one thing or another, for $5.00 around the time colleges go back to school (Augsust-ish). I have had these blue beauties forever, just holding mini whiteboards and clipboards, sitting on the floor for student access. I tested the file jacket in the crate and it fit perfectly, but I didn't just want to leave my files out in the open... guess what? THEY FIT IN THE FILE CABINET! Check that out!

Now, no one can see all my files as they hide neatly in the file cabinet!

I know what your thinking... Are these file jackets expensive? Well, teachers DO get discounts! You just have to know where to find them. Most school districts have contracts with specific stores, offering deals. Lucky for me Office Max has a deal with our district! They give us a "magical" little laminated card when we show a teacher I.D., to be used when purchasing supplies. This card is "magical" especially since I get many of supplies I want at close to cost! That's right most supplies with our card, along with copies and lamination, are offered at a much more reasonable price then to non-teacher customers. These jackets were about $35.00 for 50, which I bought with my "magical" card for about $14.00! That's more than half off! CHA-CHING!!

Today's Money Saving Tip: Ask your FTE in your office if there are any specific stores which your district partners with OR go to the store and ask someone that works there! The worst thing that can happen is they say no, but if they say YES, then you are on your way to saving money!